Tour Diary: CMJ From a Local Perspective with Laura and Greg (Brooklyn)

OCTOBER 22, 2015

When it comes to music festivals and conferences, we often get tour diaries happening with bands. On this occasion, we thought it would be fun to see New York’s CMJ from the perspective of Brooklyn locals Laura and Greg! Check out what they got up to, what bands they loved and how their showcases panned out…


Laura & Greg Take Manhattan (Ave.)

Posted by Peter Y. | September 21, 2015

You ever meet two people you’re crazy about? In a Platonic way now. Let’s keep it clean. I recently met with two songwriters on Manhattan Ave. and started asking them questions. Deep dark questions for Laura & Greg.

Well not really. They were the awkward questions of a fan, and I had to step up my game to present them right.

Also, they were Rotoscoping on a video Greg made, which put them in Linklaterterritory, and we had a hardcore punk past (and present) we both shared and loved. READ MORE


Gig Alert: Laura & Greg

Friday, June 12, 2015

ARTIST: Laura & Greg
GIG: Saturday at Black Bear Bar, as part of the Northside Festival

Last weekend was the huge musical hullaballoo known as Governor’s Ball, featuring many of the hottest acts touring this summer. Coming right on the heels of the Ball is Brooklyn’s Northside Festival, which celebrates up and coming artists and the borough’s artier corners. You’ll hear some big names, sure, but give yourself the chance to experiment with some new sounds. Here’s the indie pop duo Laura and Greg, with “Forever for Sure” 

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Bedford + Bowery // Music Video Premier & Interview

Music Vid Premiere: ‘Forever For Sure’ from Brooklyn Indie Pop Duo Laura & Greg


See boy-girl indie pop due from Brooklyn. Yes, you may be thinking, yes, I’ve been here before. But Laura & Greg, despite what might seem like a dry-as-bones band name, make some really fresh tunes. And their new album, Forever For Sure has arrived just in time for the sweltering summer, a time when sweet, minimal jangles that float light as a feather are not only in order, but a necessary respite from the darkness we’ve been treating our ears to the rest of the year. Sweet as they may be, the pair definitely, thankfully doesn’t qualify as twee. Rather, they’ve got serious style, thanks to Greg’s visual art background, and it’s as apparent as ever in their new music video for the album’s title track which, don’t forget, you’re seeing here first. read more...